Silent Aimbot Cs 1.6 Free Download
SSBU +104 ↺53 Super Smash Bros. TF2 +41 ↺26 Team Fortress 2. DBD +47 ↺11 Dead by Daylight. MSM +38 ↺5 My Singing Monsters. CS1.6 +26 ↺8 Counter-Strike 1.6. S3AIR +19 ↺9 Sonic 3 A.I.R. MK8D +21 ↺3 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. HL +19 ↺4 Half-Life. SSBC +15 ↺3 Super Smash Bros. provides its users with the highest-quality, free online hosting and sharing services. Our team is comprised of dedicated specialists, in the areas of programming, web design, and marketing communications.🔴 Counter Strike 1.6 Silent Aim 2017 (NEW AIMBOT) FREEFounded in 2005, continues to gain popularity among online users throughout the world. Silent Aimbot Cs 1.6. It detects enemy outline color (red) and snaps the aim to the nearest horizontal outline. (This because of the health bar color, which is red too) So you must run the Overwatch in boarderless windowed mode, and do not use red color as crosshair (aim dot) color.I tried to sell this, but this is not that good and nobody paid.
Silent Aimbot Cs 1.6 Free
- local localPlayer = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
- local teamCheck = true
- local function getClosestPlayer()
- local shortestDistance = math.huge
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') and teamCheck and v.Team ~= localPlayer.Team then
- local magnitude = (v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - localPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
- if magnitude < shortestDistance then
- shortestDistance = magnitude
- elseif v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and v.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 and v.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') and not teamCheck then
- local magnitude = (v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - localPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
- if magnitude < shortestDistance then
- shortestDistance = magnitude
- end
- end
- return closestPlayer
- game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:Connect(function(input, onGui)
- if not onGui and input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.T then
- end
- local oldIndex = mt.__index
- if setreadonly then setreadonly(mt, false) else make_writeable(mt, true) end
- local nameCallMethod = getnamecallmethod or get_namecall_method
- local newClose = newcclosure or function(f) return f end
- mt.__index = newClose(function(t, k)
- if getClosestPlayer().Character and getClosestPlayer().Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
- end
- end)
- mt.__namecall = newClose(function(...)
- local args = {...}
- if tostring(method) 'FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList' and getClosestPlayer() and getClosestPlayer().Character then
- return oldNamecall(args[1], args[2], {game:GetService('Workspace').IgnoreThese, game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character, game:GetService('Workspace').BuildStuff, game:GetService('Workspace').Map})
- end)
- if setreadonly then setreadonly(mt, true) else make_writeable(mt, false) end
- local oldFunc
- oldFunc = hookfunction(workspace.FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList, function(...)
- args[3] = {game:GetService('Workspace').IgnoreThese, game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character, game:GetService('Workspace').BuildStuff, game:GetService('Workspace').Map}
- return oldFunc(unpack(args))